Thursday, 13 April 2006

An evil presence lurks...

............................. who is this moustachioed man in the white shirt?

Anyway, enough of that - Jude has been a very naughty boy and has been caught putting weird blogs on this website again. He has forthwith been banned from touching the computer. He has also been sentenced to 9 strokes of the rattan cane.

Right - back to reality. Jude enjoyed his first day of daycare on Wednesday. He came home covered in blue paint and sand. He had had an absolute ball apparently and the ladies all said that he could stay on full-time as he was such an easy-going child. Yeah right. He was so tired (after refusing to have his afternoon nap) that he fell asleep while drinking his milk.

Jude took 4-5 steps yesterday while Mummy was talking on the phone. We have been trying to get him to do it again but alas, he will only do 2-3 steps before tottering over. Still, I am sure he is on the veritable verge of walking and it will only be a matter of days (I realise I have been saying this for the last 6 weeks, but this time I am SURE I am right). Maybe one day he will even walk better than wobbly Nana Robyn?

1 comment:

Poppa Noel said...

I think it's Ned Flanders lurking in the background. Or is it an anonymous moustachioed lurker, looking lurkingly?