Today I went with the olds to the hospital. It was really good as I got to see some cows outside, got to chat up a few ladies and they had a childrens play area set aside just for me.
While we were there we took a photo of this thing inside mums tummy. I was watching really hard to see how they get the camera inside her....... now I know why people have belly buttons. Anyway this is my brother or sister (apparently). I think it looks more like those ink blot pictures that the shrinks held up to mummy and asked her what she saw.
I will let this thing come into the world but do you think I will let it touch my stuff. This is the picture that they took of me when I was told that I would have to share my things.
I ain't gonna share squat! That little thing can whistle for any of my stuff. I will tear every page from "Fuzzy Yellow Duckling" before I let it get its mitts on my books. I will run the batteries dry on the deedle dudes before it can click its fingers. I will remove the milk from every cow on this planet before I give a single drop away.
Mum has just told me that if I am nice to my new sibling then she will give me a marshmellow. I take back my previous words. I have now wrapped Fuzzy Yellow Duckling in a protective layer of glad wrap and spit, I have two deedle dudes so I have set one aside for my darling brother/sister and I am having some cows milk specially made and put inside mum for the little bugger. To show that I really care I have asked Stephen Hawking to step back from the limelight a little to enable the next member of the Thomas franchise to be able to shine.
Now give me my soft and sweet delight.
Catch ya fools,
Jude The Humble